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Writing Resources

SCBWI: the Society for Children’s Books Writers and Illustrators - they have many resources and events. They have a large number of critique groups you can join, webinars, events, and both regional and national conferences. It's a great place to network, learn, get critiques, and find community. 

KidLit411: they have a website full of information, but they also have a FB group that is a great place to ask questions. 


Underdown/The Purple Crayon: a website run by Harold Underdown, a long-time editor and kid lit industry expert - features a lot of great information.

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Online Events

Storystorm: annual month-long event (FREE) where participants attempt to generate at least one picture book idea per day. 


12x12: an online community and webinar series that encourages members to complete or revise one picture book draft per month. 


NaNaWriMo: annual month-long event where participants attempt to finish a draft of their novel.  

Kids Book Revisions: Online workshops and classes run by Harold Underdown

Inked Voices: online workshops and paid critiques

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Workshops and Conferences

SCBWI: has a national conferences each year in NYC. There are also a lot of regional conferences, as well as webinars. 


ABLA Big Sur and Cape Cod writing workshops – especially great for anyone looking for an agent or just wanting well-informed critiques. 


Highlights workshops: in person or online classes and retreats at the highlights property. 


Rutgers University Council on Children’s Literature Annual Conference 


Local Writing Groups: For example there is the Writer’s Loft near Boston, and the Writing Barn in Austin. 



Writing Picture Books by Ann Whitford Paul

The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Publishing Children’s Books by Harold Underdown


Children’s Writer’s and Illustrators Market - annual publication detailing publishing houses


SCBWI’s THE BOOK - annual guide to publishing houses


Write. An idea only becomes

a story if it's written down. 


Read. Read. Read. Read the genre you want to write, published in the last 5 years.


Find a community of people with a similar goal.


Give and receive thoughtful critiques.

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