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Words by Michelle Houts 
Pictures by Jen Betton
Published by Feeding Minds Press

When you grow up on a farm, adventures happen all day long—even at night! On a cold winter evening, a father and daughter go out to the barn and are welcomed with a warm scene. Who is awake, who is asleep, and who is just making their first appearance in the barn? Lyrical poetry paired with glowing watercolors create a warm and wonderful bedtime story—best shared together.

"This sweet story describes in gentle detail... what really goes on in a barn during seemingly peaceful nighttime hours. A young farm child narrates in calming, lilting tercets, informing readers about the important chores that must be accomplished, predawn, even in the coldest weather, to ensure that all the animals are fed and well and lovingly cared for...there are wonderful surprises: the birth of a new foal, for instance, who, upon arising on spindly, wobbly legs, helps the humans and fellow barn residents welcome a new day... Adding to the cuteness factor, note that cats play a prominent role in a number of the soft, gentle, hazy color illustrations, set mostly inside the shadowy barn... Quiet and peaceful—an antidote to the daytime hustle and bustle of city life."



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(Full educator's guide available from publisher)

Watch the Book Trailer!

School Library Journal: Book Process

All images © Jen Betton Illustration

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